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Hudson Fish & Game Clubhouse Policy

Use for education and training skills

As per the Bylaws of the Club Article II "Object", the Hudson Fish & Game Club remains committed to offering our clubhouse and range facilities to members or outside organizations which foster education and skill building in the pursuit of marksmanship hunting archery conservation and any other endeavor deemed worthwhile by Clubs officers and/or Board of Directors

Policy for Use

Event must be presented at a monthly membership meeting or Board of Directors meeting at least 60 days prior to requested event date for approval.

Event theme must be in keeping with our mission.

Event organizers are fully responsible for filling event needs for food, refreshments, targets, ammunition, equipment, etc. and are encouraged to seek donations from attendees to recover expenses only.

For-profit events must meet with Board of Directors directly for approval.

A "leave it as you found it" policy is strictly enforced and it is the event's organizers responsibility to assure restrooms, kitchen, clubhouse, ranges and grounds are left in good order before leaving the Club facility.

If anyone has anything they would like to add to the calendar - please email

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